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C O M I N G    T H I S    F A L L

Arendelle is a language, A programming one; designed to help you create pictures, shapes and whatever made of pixels and colors. Arendelle can help you to create Art, Visualize your data or even creating programs that to render meaningful representations of given information. In short It's a sketching programming language










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Arendelle is one of the Earth's easiest programming languages and also environments. It is a very beautiful language. After so many redesigninsg Arendelle is now the cleanest language ever. We designed some stuff called Smart-Grammars, One of these grammar in Arendelle can handle what 2 or 3 different grammars does in other languages. Result is one incredibly easy language for the users.










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Arendelle comes with many technological breakthroughs. Our achievements behind core language made Arendelle something special; Power, Speed, Quality, Reliability, etc. You find no language as good as Arendelle in this factors. Also thanks to our researches this factors are getting even better everyday!










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The picture you see here is a Chess board in size of 9. White path is the optimized way for a Knight to move from bottom left to top right of the board. This picture like all other pictures in this page is rendered by an Arendelle program. As you observe there is a great power for data visualization. We are also releasing a toolkit for developers called Arendelle X1 who makes it possible to use Arendelle within another programming language. So power you gain in Arendelle will be everywhere with you just like a superhero!








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