I'm Pouya Kary creator of Arendelle Language, CEO of thepa and
executive director at Arendelle Project. A hackerish developer ,
award-winning designer and a hobby composer. I have developed some
technologies in Pa and Arendelle like programming languages,
calculation machines, shell layers, text editors, 2D graphics and
2D digram generators, 2D graph systems, encryption methods,
developer tools for text processing, one OS and tons of scripts and
applets and much more. Now I spend most of my time behind my
computers and devices developing my projects, designing their
interfaces and writing their documentations while listening to my
favorite soundtracks so I very often get the chance to update my
own homepage.
More than a developer I'm a NERD, It means I read and watch so much
sci-fi, I'm a cult-follower of FRINGE, Star Trek and Star Wars, I
love customs and I talk Klingon (A little bit of coerce), I have
the only person who reached to the 100% in and their
test named me Nerd God! I have designed a couple of alphabets for
substitution cypher and one fully-functional artificial language
with it's own grammar, words and alphabets. I collect many things,
I have a room looking just like a lab and so much to discuss
I'm a cross-platform developer worked with GTK+, Kivy and Xamarin
to create cross-platform software, I know
C,C#,BASIC,Python,Ruby,LUA,Processing and many toy languages like
TouchDevelop,CASIO-BASIC,BrainFuck,Shakespeare and I have developed
languages myself: Arendelle, Pabbie, Bulda. I have worked with GNU
as the maintainer of Gleem, and I have fixed one tiny little bug in
Ubunut's shutdown sysetm.
I'm a Pianist, I'm an illustrator and I have created my own style,
I have even designed algorithms for making tea and there are many
things about me, but it's better if you yourself see
If you want to contact me please use one of the following ways:
Or this right side messaging tool. Please do not contact me if you want to: Ask for help about a thepa's software. We have a very good support system here that is here for you and we have a very goof bug reporting system so please use theps's help page to get in touch with our support system. Do not ask me for help in your computer programs, each value software has it's own team and you must simply ask them to help you fix your problem. Do not send me funny emails and spams. And do not send me Microsoft Windows installable and runable appliacations I will simply remove your email and tag it as a spam. Please understand that I'm buzzy doing many tasks and replaying to your all emails is hard for me it's why I ask you to only send me Importanat emails and stuff. And don't worry if your a fan your always welcome! I'll replay to this kind of messages!
You can attach Nexear, PDF, ODF, PNG, JPG, MP3 , MP4, WMA and OGG files too.
From Floor Function
It's a funny function I made while I were in school and I was bored so much. So this helps you if you need this function: f(a.x)=a you may use this tiny little function, The proof is so simple, I don't mention it here so you shall your self go for it! And if you wanted to know the idea behind proofing the function get in touch with me:
Principle's Formula
This is a formula which helps you calculate some of Pigeonhole Principle problems. Only think you have to do is to give it the Pigeons and Pigeonholes and you'll find a magical number that I call "MinP" (Minimum pigeons to win the game!)
:::: Download The Proof
Moves Of Horse
Have you ever thinked that if your chess board never was 8x8 how many moves it took for a horse to go from one side to the front side? this formula is here to save you! Just input the number of your NxN board and see the wisdom!
As I'm a
NERD it's too much fun for me to design my own calture, language,
types and.... And well people are sometimes intrested like me, So
here is a very little amount of my daily tricks and life styles I
use to make my self me!
Date is a time system which is like Star Trek's Stardate and our
usual time system it is a number like this: 6935.17.8.21 this is a
very simple time line. the first number (6935) is how many days
after 1994/10/02 you can simply calculate this number using
machines like Wolfram|Alpha, After that the numbers are my age for
example at 6935.17.8.21 I were 17 years old plus 8 mounts and 21
Nahouii is my self-designed language. Nahouii has it's own grammar, words, type design and guide lines in actually everything you need to develop a language. For now I'm working on a web-based dictionary for Nahouii so everyone be able to use it, Look at this example it's a Nahouii:
"ke'jojdou Nahouii": I
speak Nahouii!
As I am proudly a Nerd, I use Mr. Spock's words: "Live Long and Prosper" most of the time and I hardly shake my hand with the others, I do believe in High Five and I have no problem using it. I also love the old Egypt kind of greeting. And as I have no believe in God I refuse to use greetings with religiosity roots on them.
To make some of my formulas and math works hide and safe I have developed a very cool Numeral System with a very unique type design which makes me able to hide both my numbers and my equations. I may someday share more about this job but for now it's a Kary Top Secret field so I can not say something else!
Try some
spcial Numeral Systems such as ROMAN Numeral and
My major projects are thepa's projects these are little applications which I wrote for fun and I just wanted to share them with others. As this applications are really tiny and sometimes useless I had to host them in my own website. So these appliactions are all free / open source / free of charge and cross-platform you can download them all from my GitHub page.
:::: Download Binary :::: Download Source Code
is a very powerful and light cross-platform binominal expander
which runs on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X as well as Microsoft Windows.
Binominal has a clear and to the point UI and you'll have the power
to save your result as a plain text (.txt) file or a complete
Nexear file (.nexear)
professional users I also included terminal monitoring which lets
you monitor every single action of the software just using the
terminal. You'll be able to monitor line by line of the code and
you'll be able to see how each value changes just like line by line
debugging and monitoring process in a professional IDE.
:::: Download Binary
:::: Download Source Code
Equer is a very special software. There are times when you have a very special equation which you need to solve it with some special parameters and you have to write the whole formula each time into your calculator, It's hard, slow and not so cool... Equer is a machine that generates you a Python program which asks you your parameters and then enter them into your equation and print you the final answer. Easy, fun and fast. To use equer you must read it's manual from it's GitHub page.
:::: Download Binary
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Textor is my command line text editor. I only designed it to practice console programming and UI design. Textor can read and write files and it can replace texts and... Like all other applications here it's a cross-platform mono app so you can run it in any operation system including all GNU/Linux distributions , Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
:::: Download
Binary :::: Download Source Code
CODIUM. Codium is an encoding/decoding software designed for my coding algorithm called Prime Code which is about giving every single character a unique prime number so buy multiplying this number you'll have a number that if you prime factor it you'll find the character so by anagram studies you'll find words. This version can only encode words not statement and it can not encode large words but I'm working to fix this things in the next version. CODIUM is a cross-platform applet too so you can send codium messages to everyone without any worry about their computer's OS.
I have a CASIO Prizm (fx-CG10/20) and well I wrote some really tiny codes on it to do some of my ordinary school stuffs and well here is some of them witch may help you. To install them you must extract the files and connect the prizm via a USB cable to your computer, then go to the "Prizm > @MainMem > Programs" and copy the ".g3m" file into it.
FactorEX is a CASIO-Basic based software to factor prime numbers
of a given number. FactorEX is programed with the prime numbers
less than 1000 and can't factor prime numbers greater than
There are tests witch are made of 4 choices and you must choose
one. In this tests every 3 false answers removes one true. So this
is an applet that you can use to calculate your mark at the test.
this app comes with a "Settings" button. You may use it to change
the number of falses that equals one true.
:::: Download
ROMAN is a Roman Numeral Generator. It only generates simple
numbers like "XXVIIII" for 29 not "XXIX". I might be able to change
it the way it make XXIX from 29 but for now I can't change
I have made so many other programs for CASIO Prizm, If you want you can download them all here (last update: @ 7003.17.10.26 )
Textmaster is a suite of 3 applets which can render wallpapers from texts for you. I developed this application using Microsoft Research TouchDevelop language. You must install "TouchDevelop" app from Windows Phone's marketplace and then sign in using a Microsoft / Facebook / Yahoo or a Google account and then you must install "Textmaster" from it's bazaar. Or you can visit from the other devices such as iOS and Android or even your GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows to run the app online.
First applet is called "Circler" which helps you make a circle from your text by writing it in all 360 possible degrees! My logo is also a 265 degrees render of Pouya using the original core of circler.
This is a little template, I designed it when I were in car and I think you may like it, Using random colors and random dots you may surprise each time you render your name with it.
(c) Copyright 2009-2013 Pouya Mohammad Kary, All right Reserved.
Circler, Starus, TextMaster, Equer,
Textor, CODIUM and
Binominor are trade marks of Pouya
Mohammad Kary, All Right Reserved.
This websits's color plate and design is based on Star Trek The
Next Generation's LCARS operation system's UI design, LCARS, LCARS
Font, LCARS UI Design and Star Trek are copyrights of Paramount
Pictures, Inc.