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A Typeface For Space

From the very first we were a font designing company and our interests in fonts will never finish. The different thing here is: in the past we only designed fonts for our applications and projects but Spacium is designed to be a stand-alone product. We always loved 'Space' movies as well as the fonts in them. So we started to design one for our own here then spacium was born

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Download the Beta

Download it, It's Free and Open Source, You can use it in any kind of project from a small business to a large scale company. All you need to know is we have published the font under the GNU General Public License and you're free to use it / share it / modify it and... about the only thing you can't do is sharing it without the previous rights.


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Innovate the experince

Feel free to modify the font the way you like, We welcome everyone who want to contribute on making new versions of our fonts and apps. You can even send your new versions to us and if we like your job you'll be one of us and we may even set a special website here in thepa for your reversion. Do what ever you like and if you liked your job send us a sample at, Have fun

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed rutrum feugiat sapien. Donec at mi sit amet nisi rhoncus convallis. Ut pellentesque. Proin accumsan libero ac velit. Etiam malesuada magna at ante. Vivamus congue purus sed tortor. Vestibulum malesuada nulla.